Friday, June 26, 2009

Yay! 17 weeks!!

Hello all! For those of you who are not aware, 17 weeks is a milestone for Finley and me. We lost Sean and Liam a little over 16 weeks, so I am officially entering an uncharted territory! And I can with complete honesty admit that I am now feeling great! I've found myself wondering if I possibly had a subconscious concern of passing 16 weeks, because as soon as I did, I felt better physically...the nausea has disappeared and I have the strangest!

On Father's Day, Kelly spent the day prepping the nursery for its new up-do and it is looking great (see pics)! We have decided that we're going to do a vintage sports theme for Finley, though it is quite truthfully morphing into "Vintage Baseball." Kelly has a picture of Dizzy Dean coming that is literally going to consume a good portion of one of the walls...but it is looking awesome! I keep catching Kelly on ebay searching for vintage items or pictures. In fact, he convinced a seller to combine a package of ELEVEN different pictures to frame! For those of you who are unaware, we don't exactly have room for eleven pictures anywhere in our house, but nothing but the best for Finley!

We continue to check Finley's heartbeat each night with our doppler and he continues to sit in the high 150's-usually about 156. Not so ironically, this is where his big brother's sat as well! I thought that the higher heart rates belonged to little girls, but I suppose that wive's tale does not stand true for the Meegan boys.

Thank you all for your prayers and support-we are blessed each day with little Finny McGinney!

1 comment:

  1. Yay - Finny McGinney stuck!! Let me know if you guys want me to pick anything up from Portobello Market. Not sure they'll have too much in the way of baseball, but definitely some cricket stuff :)

    Love you all,



Finway Park

Finway Park
You have to love that!

Retired Jersey Wall

Retired Jersey Wall
I can name like 2 of them...but don't tell Kelly...

Take me out to the ballgame!

Take me out to the ballgame!
(vinyl letters rock!)

Finley's First Onesie

Finley's First Onesie
Courtesy of Aunt Brandi

The infamous Ebay pictures...

The infamous Ebay pictures...
Can you name them??

Our Patriotic Wall

Our Patriotic Wall

Coming along...

Coming along...
The middle of the wainscoting is the paint color

The beginning of the waines coating

The beginning of the waines coating
Doesn't Kelly do beautiful work?!

Painting the Room!

Painting the Room!
You wouldn't know how much Kelly hates to paint by this picture

The Big Reveal!

The Big Reveal!
Our faces when we found out we were having a BOY!! Only I really look surprised...