Friday, September 18, 2009

Last week in the 20's!

Alright, 29 is here...11 to go! Here's the low-down on Finley: he (according to my trusty website) is about the size of a butternut squash. I swear I've been told there is a site that uses other comparisons besides food, but I have yet to find it! He weighs a little over 2.5 pounds and is about 15 inches long. And let me tell you, he is active little guy!

I must say, his little 2.5 pounds is really starting to take its toll! I have discovered that turning over in the middle of the night is now something that requires strategy, shaving my legs is a joke, and trying to keep up with my long-legged friend when we walk in the morning is starting to resemble a duck trying to speed-walk!

Aside from that though, all is well! I have purchased my best pregnancy investment yet and discovered that I have a slight affinity for sock monkeys. While they used to sort of give me the creeps, I now find them quite cute...and extremely comforting for my tired feet :) You'll even notice that they look great with my clothes (you can rationalize anything-see photo above).

Kelly is continuing the overhaul of the bathrooms. Now that the addition is complete (or at least 95% of it is), he moved on to the existing bathroom...though it doesn't really "exist" anymore. He is busting his butt to try and finish this before Finn arrives and I must say, it is quite a sight! Finley's room is pretty much ready, but the completion of his closet is dependent on the completion of the bathroom (hence the rush). Once his mattress came in, I could not resist putting everything on his bed and had to even add his first teddy bear. You all know my slight obsession with bears! Even my nephew who is 2 talks about how Aunt Murmer loves bears (and now sock monkeys)!

Much love, as always, and please keep us in your prayers!

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Finway Park

Finway Park
You have to love that!

Retired Jersey Wall

Retired Jersey Wall
I can name like 2 of them...but don't tell Kelly...

Take me out to the ballgame!

Take me out to the ballgame!
(vinyl letters rock!)

Finley's First Onesie

Finley's First Onesie
Courtesy of Aunt Brandi

The infamous Ebay pictures...

The infamous Ebay pictures...
Can you name them??

Our Patriotic Wall

Our Patriotic Wall

Coming along...

Coming along...
The middle of the wainscoting is the paint color

The beginning of the waines coating

The beginning of the waines coating
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Painting the Room!

Painting the Room!
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The Big Reveal!

The Big Reveal!
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