Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sleepy time

Well, this is a big week for little Finn man...he now has the ability to fall into REM sleep. Apparently, he is already dreaming, which is completely mind-boggling to me, but so be it. Mostly, they are said to dream about our voices and exciting things like their umbilical cords! Well, the same day that I got the update that our little man would now be falling into true deep sleeps, I witnessed it. I came home from lunch and the house was nice and quiet (no barking Cy & Brooks) and I sat down on the couch to work on emails. By instinct, I set my hand on my belly, and poor Finley...I scared him!! He must have been in this type of deep slumber because I saw my whole belly jump to the left in a startled way! I felt so bad!!

He can hear what goes on outside of the womb too, so all of you who want him to be comfortable with you at birth need to come and talk to him so that he knows your voice (that's really just an excuse to make you all come see me) :) Kelly has been reading to him each night-his favorite (and Finn's judging by his kicking) is Dr. Suess' "Oh the Places You'll Go!"

"You'll be on your way up!
You'll be seeing great sights!
You'll join the high fliers
who soar to high heights." -Dr. Seuss

Much love and keep praying for our little man!!

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