Thursday, August 27, 2009

14 to go!

I now feel like we're getting closer since I feel inclined to write about how many weeks to go....Kelly and I were talking today about if it's gone fast or slow and it really has been a little of both. But when we think of everything we still have left to do in the house, we realize that time has flown and that we are really racing against the clock! The good thing is that Finn's room is whenever he decides to grace us with his presence, we'll be ready! Well, as ready as any first-time parents think they are.

We went to the doctor today and Finley is doing great. He did his best to dodge the doppler as the doctor listened to his heartbeat, but luckily he can't really go too far! I've realized that every pregnant woman worries about something silly worry is that I'm not big enough. Don't get me wrong, I feel rather large and I have reached the point of squatting rather than bending, but so so many people tell me how I only look like I'm 3 or 4 months along. They are constantly shocked to find out that I am almost to 7. ..and proceed to ask questions that usually linger around making sure Finn is the right size. While people roll their eyes when I say this is concerning, it is really just because I want to know that Finn is fine. When enough people give you the're not very is just as disturbing(i think) as the "Are you carrying twins?" question that so many pregnant are offended by due to only carrying one baby (when will people learn that is not okay?!) And here's the worst part-I've gained all the weight I'm supposed to, but it must be going other places!!! Of course, every sonogram that we've had has showed him ahead of the trends so I really should let this go. My doctor made a good point to me today, though, when he said, "Amber, the baby is only around 2 lbs. What do people expect you to look like?" That made me feel a little better...

I know it sounds trivial and one day in the not-so-far future, I will long for the days of people saying I looked small.

PUPPP update: It's pretty much gone! I highly considered posting the pictures of it, but I figure that I will spare you. Finley on the other hand will not be spared...when he goes through his rebellious years I plan to remind him of what I went through with him LOL!

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Finway Park

Finway Park
You have to love that!

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