Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wait a min, Finn!!

As I type this, Kelly and I are sitting in Labor & Delivery at St. Luke's thankful that Finley didn't get his way this morning!! I woke up at 3am with a burning cramp and quickly realized that I was having contractions...the real kind...not the practice Braxton Hicks that I've come to like so much ;) By 5am we were at the hospital being hooked up to a monitor to evaluate the situation. At that point, I was contracting every 10 minutes and was dilated to a 1. So...we had to take measures to stop our eager little man. I am now on terbutaline and am being monitored overnight. So far as we can tell, though, we have the contractions under control. They are a little concerned that I'm still cramping, but we believe it is just the battle that my uterus and the terbutaline are fighting out.

Now..."Baby Big Head." My doctor ordered an ultrasound, which is always very exciting, until they tell you that your 33 week old child has a head that measures 36 weeks!!!! They estimate that he is about 5 lbs., which is great and about a week ahead of his due date. But I'm not totally convinced that his head is not the basis of all these large measurements...though I suppose time will tell. I told Kelly that I should have measured his head before I decided to marry him and he quickly responded, "I should have measured your hips!" Snap! He got me!

Assuming that all goes to plan, we will be released tomorrow and I will be on bed rest until Finn is big enough to let me get off of the medicine. At that point, labor will likely resume and we will get to meet our precious Baby Big Head!!

Please keep us in your prayers...Love and Faith!!

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